“A bridge to the Future” is an ongoing project designed to address the unique challenges faced by young refugees as they turn 18 and transition into adulthood. These critical milestones are often accompanied by practical and emotional hurdles including understanding societal norms, securing employment, finding suitable housing, and navigating relationships. Building upon the success of our previous initiative “ Transitioning to Adulthood: A Path to Autonomy and Self-Reliance”, this project aims to further empower young refugees in restarting and rebuilding their lives.
Again in partnership with Human Rights 360, during the next phase we will leverage the expertise gained through the first phase, and focus on practical advocacy to address key issues. Velos Youth will contribute valuable insights and on-the-ground perspectives to the project and partnership, through its direct work with young people. Project activities will involve strategic litigation and advocacy efforts to improve the regulatory framework, particularly in areas affecting young refugees, such as obtaining a social security number, obtaining legal residence, or accessing the public school system.
Additionally, we plan to pilot a peer-to-peer network-building system to facilitate support and connect among young refugees, and make available a handbook/took-kit, for other organisations, wishing to achieve the same outcomes.
By combining legal support, advocacy, and innovative approaches, “A Bridge to the Future” aims to empower young refugees, enable their successful integration into society, and foster their path towards autonomy and self-reliance.