Velos Youth’s Housing Integration Project supports young people to build lives integrated within Greek Society. The project complements the Velos Youth holistic model and benefits young people already accessing other Velos Youth services. Through the program young people are supported by a range of local professionals to find work, organise their finances and subsequently source stable private accommodation.
Ebrima was one of the first young people to join the Velos Youth Housing Integration Project. Having previously been without a supportive network or secure place to stay, Ebrima entered the apartment with a mixture of relief and excitement, determined to make the most of all the support and services available.
After just six weeks of intensive support from Velos Youth, Ebrima was selected from many applicants to work in a boutique hotel on the Greek island of Samos as a cleaner, with a fair wage and a probationary employment contract. Just two weeks after his arrival to Samos, he had made such a good impression he was promoted and trained as a waiter, and received a contract covering the remainder of the tourist season.
Velos Youth is now supporting him to find work in Athens, crystallising the independence he has developed in the previous months.
For every €1 spent supporting him, Ebrima has earned over €3.50 to move forward on his journey to autonomy.