The project titled “Transitioning to Adulthood: a pathway to autonomy and self-reliance” had a clear objective of piloting a novel methodology for integrating young people between the ages of 16 and 21. This innovative approach included the provision of immediate and direct access to employability support and psychosocial care, two critical elements that play a vital role in supporting young people to become more self-sufficient.
Together we worked to develop and implement a more comprehensive set of services designed specifically for young people. Our joint initiative resulted in an enhanced package of services that aimed to facilitate the transition of young people to adulthood, at a time when they often experience changes in their rights and access to services. To address this challenge, we established a referral and partnership network that provided support to these individuals as they prepared for and navigated the various changes associated with turning 18.
The project was implemented between 2019 and 2021 in collaboration with Babel Day Center and HumanRights360, two local Greek Organisations, and supported 129 individuals. More specifically 32 people received specialized psychosocial support and improved their wellbeing, 82 people received job consultation and 14 were granted asylum during the duration of the project.
Overall, the initiative built upon the comprehensive approach that Velos Youth has always employed, emphasizing the importance of providing holistic support to young people in need. While the project officially ended in 2021, the referral network and partnership with our Greek counterparts has continued to deliver valuable support to young people who need it the most. We remain committed to our mission of helping young people achieve greater autonomy and self-reliance.